Dr Iolanda Rodino
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Rodino is an infertility counsellor and Clinical Psychologist in private practice who has worked in the field of Reproductive Medicine for many years.
She consults to several Fertility clinics and her practice is specialized in helping with the emotional, relationship and stressful challenges that occur when trying to achieve a pregnancy through assisted reproductive technology.
As Iolanda has contact with clinic doctors, embryologists and nurses, she can also help you decide which clinic will best suit your medical, emotional and financial needs and has specific guidelines and a checklist on how to best be prepared for your first clinic appointment.
To schedule a support counselling session or a general information session to prepare for your first IVF clinic consultation please call 1300 1800 02 (cost of a local call) or (08) 93897212.
At your first appointment in addition to providing comprehensive clinic specific information you will also receive the Fertility Emotional Assistance Resource Manual (F.E.A.R Manual).
Research Project: Physical Health, Psychological Wellbeing and Social Support in COVID-19
If you are interested in participating, please click on the following link for more information and access to the study questionnaire:
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Infertility Counselling and Support
Most of us assume that one day we will have children and that it will be a natural and uncomplicated process. When this does not happen and creating a family becomes a medical matter, the struggle to conceive can create emotional and relationship challenges.
Infertility has been likened to a prolonged state of grief and whilst the losses of infertility are typically invisible to others, these losses may take their toll on many aspects of the couples relationships, social network and emotional well being. Losses may include:
- loss of sexual spontaneity/intimacy,
- loss of self esteem
- loss of potential child
- loss of dream family
- loss of future genetic generations
- loss of life choices while undergoing the rigors of treatment regime
A diagnosis of infertility can lead to many complex emotional responses which can be very overwhelming. Experiencing distressing emotions such as shock, anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, resentment, shame and isolation are not uncommon amongst people who have repeated failure to conceive.
Iolanda’s practice is specialized in helping you deal with the emotional, relationship and stressful challenges that occur when trying to achieve a pregnancy through assisted reproductive technology. She can also help you decide which clinic will best suit your medical, emotional and financial needs and has specific guidelines and a checklist on how to best be prepared for your first clinic appointment.
Specific to fertility treatment, there are 3 primary types of counselling offered by Iolanda: These include:
- Implications counselling – to assist you with understanding the general emotional processes of IVF/ICSI/IUI treatment or for any egg/sperm/embryo related treatment.
- Support counselling – to help you at a time of acute stress/crisis such as failed treatment.
- Therapeutic counselling – for ongoing therapy for issues such as stress, pregnancy loss, anxiety and depression.
Many clients will also see Iolanda for:
- General advice on IVF clinics
- Advice on counseling entitlements associated with IVF treatments.
- Preparing to begin a particular treatment cycle
- Assistance with stress management
- Managing the symptoms of anxiety/depression/grief.
- When needing to understand the psycho-social implications of treatment involving donated gametes
- When relationship difficulties arise
- Support following treatment failure
- Support following miscarriage
- Deciding when to cease treatment
- Advice on alternative family formation options when treatment using IVF fails